Patrice Lorenz incorporates drawing, painting, printmaking, and other processes into her daily studio practice in both Brooklyn, New York and in rural New York State’s Delaware County.

She balances her solitary practice with collaborative ventures involving other Artists, a thread running through her artistic career since the 1980’s when Lorenz was a member of COLAB (Collaborative Projects) and the exhibitions coordinator of ABC NO RIO, both Artist run organizations active in NYC. During that time, she also exhibited with Group Material at the New Museum, at Fashion Moda in the South Bronx and at numerous East Village galleries during the 1980’s and 90’s. Her exhibition history reflects her longstanding affiliations with alternative, non-profit and Artist run Arts organizations.

In 2005 she co- founded the Longyear Gallery, a cooperative gallery located in Margaretville, NY and in 2017, she became a founding member of ADHOC Projects, an Artist’s collective that curate’s thematic pop-up exhibits online and on site in underutilized spaces. More recently, in partnership with Ted Hannan and Gary Mayer, she launched ArtUp Gallery in Margaretville, NY.

HIDDEN GARDENS February 19 - March 20, 2022