P.O.I / P.O.V - Robin Factor
June 18 - July 24, 2022


Living in the Catskills demands a response to our landscape and environment. Art is a way for us not only to find our place in the natural world, but also to call attention to its overwhelming beauty, its power, and its heartbreaking fragility in the 21st Century, often in stark contrast to our resource-consuming, virtual-reality, inward-looking world. 

These pieces come out of a new series exploring interior and exterior landscapes, each a point of interest in its own, and the uneasy duality between romanticizing and destroying landscape. Often comprising objects of the larger world, natural and man-made, these pieces are my way of creating a conversation between elements as they respond and react to each other, and between the viewer and the piece as they explore their own landscape point of view.

I love the thrill and power of creating environments with total autonomy -- directing all the characters in my universe, whether a character is a pencil line, piece of thread, or a mark of raw umber. How do they interact, do they love each other or resist, can they handle a third element, and how does that change the dynamic in their space -- can they stay? And most importantly, how can they become more than their parts and take on meaning to transcend their object-ness?

Landscapes in the Catskills, magnificent in their own right, nonetheless change with our viewing and internalization of them and form fragments of our own internal landscape. These pieces offer an opportunity for a considered dialogue with our surroundings.